Lotions & Oils
Die Goldene Milch als Lotion. Kräuterexrtakte, Ölessenzen und traditionelles Wissen der asiatischen Heilkunde geben dieser Körperpflege eine heilende und regenerierende Wirkung. Entspannung, anti aging und Wohlbefinden mit den Wirkstoffen der Kurkuma, Zitronengras, Moringa, Pueraria Mirifica.
27,90 EUR
for 125 ml
(0,22 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Gift & Travelbox Hand Lotions
34,90 EUR
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4 x 50 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Body Lotion
29,95 EUR
for 250 ml
(11,97 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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59,90 EUR
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2 x 250 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Gift & Travel set
24,90 EUR
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4 x 50 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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27,95 EUR
for 125 ml
(0,22 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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27,90 EUR
for 125 ml
(0,22 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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59,90 EUR
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2 x 250 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Gift & Travel set
24,90 EUR
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4 x 50 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Body Lotion
29,95 EUR
for 250 ml
(11,97 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Body Lotion
29,95 EUR
for 250 ml
(11,98 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Body Lotion
29,95 EUR
for 250 ml
(11,98 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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27,90 EUR
for 125 ml
(0,22 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Hand Lotion
24,90 EUR
for 250 ml
(9,96 EUR / 100 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
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Gift & Travel set
24,90 EUR
Now add to shopping cart
4 x 50 ml
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Hand Lotion
7,50 EUR
for 50 ml
(0,15 EUR / 1 ml)
include VAT and exclude shipping costs
Now add to shopping cart